Boost your business 

with your own App

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Download our demo apps now and immerse yourself in the digital revolution.

You will find the perfect solution to boost your business:

1. Customize the experience with Customer App

2. Manage with ease from the Admin App

3.  If you deliver, optimize with Delivery App 

Transform your business today!


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We care about your results.

Tangible results from day one of using your App.

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Pricing to suit all business sizes



7 / days

    Web App, 

    Utrady Main Apps 

  • E-Payment, credit card integration: For easy and secure payments.
  •  Payment methods upon pickup/delivery: Cash, card or transfer.
  • Support for RTL languages (Arabic, etc.): Accessibility for users of different languages.
  • Dark Mode: Improves user experience.
  • Push notifications using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notifications about orders and offers.
  • Vendor & product/food search: Ease of searching for providers and products.
  • Vendor/store details, product listing, product details: Detailed information to facilitate choice.
  • Cart, Checkout: Purchase management.
  • User Profile, User Orders, App Settings, Notifications, Help & Support, Account Settings: Customization and user support.
  • Wallet system: To manage payments and refunds.
  • Admin App

  • Import data via Excel Spreadsheet (Categories, Vendors, Menus & Products): Efficient data import.
  • Clean and organized Dart Language code using Provider, easy to restyle and theme: Ease of maintenance and customization.
  • Awesome animations ready to use: Visual improvement for the interface.
  • Vendor open/close time, auto-assignment of orders, vendor parcel skip preparing -> ready after order placement: Efficient management of orders and vendors.
  • SMS Gateways – Twilio/MSG91/GatewayApi: Communication with customers and delivery personnel.
  • E-Payment, credit card integration: To manage payments.
  • Push notifications using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notifications to customers and delivery personnel.
  • Wallet system: Financial management.
  • Delivery App

  • DRIVER WALLET SYSTEM!!!: Management of income and payments.
  • 3wordsmap: Precise navigation for deliveries.
  • Works really well on both iOS and Android with support for 60 frames per second (fps): Good performance on various devices.
  • Login, Register, Forgot password: Access and security.
  • Notificaciones push usando FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notificaciones sobre nuevos pedidos y actualizaciones.
  • REFERRAL SYSTEM!!!, OFFLINE PAYMENT!!!: Incentives and flexibility in payments.
  • App Settings, Notifications, Help & Support, Account Settings: Customization and support.

Utrady Pro

$ 1500

/ month

    Custom App


  • E-Payment, credit card integration: For easy and secure payments.
  •   Payment methods upon pickup/delivery: Cash, card or transfer.
  • Support for RTL languages (Arabic, etc.): Accessibility for users of different languages.
  • Dark Mode: Improves user experience.
  • Push notifications using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notifications about orders and offers.
  • Vendor & product/food search: Ease of searching for providers and products.
  • Vendor/store details, product listing, product details: Detailed information to facilitate choice.
  • Cart, Checkout: Purchase management.
  • User Profile, User Orders, App Settings, Notifications, Help & Support, Account Settings: Customization and user support.
  • Wallet system: To manage payments and refunds.
  • Admin App

  • Import data via Excel Spreadsheet (Categories, Vendors, Menus & Products): Efficient data import.
  • Clean and organized Dart Language code using Provider, easy to restyle and theme: Ease of maintenance and customization.
  • Awesome animations ready to use: Visual improvement for the interface.
  • Vendor open/close time, auto-assignment of orders, vendor parcel skip preparing -> ready after order placement: Efficient management of orders and vendors.
  • SMS Gateways – Twilio/MSG91/GatewayApi: Communication with customers and delivery personnel.
  • E-Payment, credit card integration: To manage payments.
  • Push notifications using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notifications to customers and delivery personnel.
  • Wallet system: Financial management.
  • Delivery App

  • DRIVER WALLET SYSTEM!!!: Management of income and payments.
  • 3wordsmap: Precise navigation for deliveries.
  • Works really well on both iOS and Android with support for 60 frames per second (fps): Good performance on various devices.
  • Login, Register, Forgot password: Access and security.
  • Notificaciones push usando FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notificaciones sobre nuevos pedidos y actualizaciones.
  • REFERRAL SYSTEM!!!, OFFLINE PAYMENT!!!: Incentives and flexibility in payments.
  • App settings, notifications, help and support, account settings: Personalization and support.
  • Limited customization
  • Email Support


$ 9500

/ month for 3 years

    Custom App

    (no watermark)

  • * It is partially your property until the 4-year period is completed.
  • E-Payment, credit card integration: For easy and secure payments.
  •   Payment methods upon pickup/delivery: Cash, card or transfer.
  • Support for RTL languages (Arabic, etc.): Accessibility for users of different languages.
  • Dark Mode: Improves user experience.
  • Push notifications using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notifications about orders and offers.
  • Vendor & product/food search: Ease of searching for providers and products.
  • Vendor/store details, product listing, product details: Detailed information to facilitate choice.
  • Cart, Checkout: Purchase management.
  • User Profile, User Orders, App Settings, Notifications, Help & Support, Account Settings: Customization and user support.
  • Wallet system: To manage payments and refunds.
  • Admin App

  • Import data via Excel Spreadsheet (Categories, Vendors, Menus & Products): Efficient data import.
  • Clean and organized Dart Language code using Provider, easy to restyle and theme: Ease of maintenance and customization.
  • Awesome animations ready to use: Visual improvement for the interface.
  • Vendor open/close time, auto-assignment of orders, vendor parcel skip preparing -> ready after order placement: Efficient management of orders and vendors.
  • SMS Gateways – Twilio/MSG91/GatewayApi: Communication with customers and delivery personnel.
  • E-Payment, credit card integration: To manage payments.
  • Push notifications using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notifications to customers and delivery personnel.
  • Wallet system: Financial management.
  • Delivery App

  • DRIVER WALLET SYSTEM!!!: Management of income and payments.
  • 3wordsmap: Precise navigation for deliveries.
  • Works really well on both iOS and Android with support for 60 frames per second (fps): Good performance on various devices.
  • Login, Register, Forgot password: Access and security.
  • Notificaciones push usando FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging): Notificaciones sobre nuevos pedidos y actualizaciones.
  • REFERRAL SYSTEM!!!, OFFLINE PAYMENT!!!: Incentives and flexibility in payments.
  • App Settings, Notifications, Help & Support, Account Settings: Customization and support.
  • Get access to all modules and features
  • Unlimited customization
  • Free 24/7 technical support

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to protect their assets.

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